Blog Tour

J.D. Core of Lupa Schwartz mysteries fame introduced me in the last stop on the blog tour. Here’s his information:

JD Core

With a profound interest in religion, liberal politics and humor, Dave has worked in the newspaper industry, in the online publishing industry as a weekly contributor to, was a contributing writer to the Buzz On series of informational books and to the Western online anthology, Elbow Creek. His mystery novel series featuring atheist PI Lupa Schwartz, is available at all online retailers. He currently resides in his childhood home with his beautiful girlfriend and his teenage daughter.

Here are my responses to the questions J.D. Core had for me:

1) What am I working on?
I always have two or three projects in the works. I usually do the bulk of my writing in the summer and spend the rest of the year editing and rewriting. Currently, I’m finishing up a novelette called Escape and my first full-length novel, Champion Standing. There is a Kickstarter campaign for Champion Standing starting this Friday.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I suspect it really isn’t. I try to inject snark and throw my readers for a loop. I tell myself that my characters are more realistic since I use the things I’ve learned while getting my Human Behavior degree.

3) Why do I write what I do?
Like many authors, I write because I have to. If the words don’t get from my noggin to the page, I might explode or something and that would be messy.

4) How does my writing process work?
I usually barf the words onto the page in the shortest amount of time as possible. I do stream of consciousness and despise the outline. (My outlining is talking to friends of mine about a story I’m thinking of writing.) Next, I have someone in my inner circle read the vomit draft and make suggestions. Sometimes, they will read as I write chapters and they will affect the narrative. After a few drafts, I send it out to beta readers while soliciting artists for covers. Finally, I get bored with revisions and just publish the thing (probably not the best method, but it works for me.)

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Now, here’s an author you’ll hear from next week:

Mark Baron

Mark Baron is a lot of things: writer, poet, artist, husband, father, medieval armourer, coffee lover, and an enthusiastic motorcyclist. Born in Norfolk, Virginia and raised as a Navy brat, Mark found an early love of reading and writing, as it allowed him to cope with the many changes such a life brings. He has won several small contests for both his poetry and his short fiction, and is working on his first fantasy novel.


About Mark Gardner

Mark Gardner lives in northern Arizona with his wife, three children and a pair of spoiled dogs. Mark holds a degrees in Computer Systems and Applications and Applied Human Behavior. View all posts by Mark Gardner

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